Casino: Robert de Niro,Sharon Stone: DVD & Blu-ray

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[SUGGEST] "Casino" (1995) is a Martin Scorsese film starring Robert De Niro about love, the Mafia and of course... money. Absolutely fantastic. (IMDB: 8.2 RT: 80%)

[SUGGEST] submitted by moviemoore to MovieSuggestions [link] [comments]

Martian Scorses's new Netflex movie, "The Irishman", was long, boring and just flat out sucked

I've been wanting to watch it for a while now because I heard amazing things and just googling it reinforced that idea (8.3 on IMDB, 96% on RT and 94% on Metacritic) but now that I acutely did watch it, all I could say is wooow, was I disappointed. It may have very well been the worst Martian Scorsese movie I have ever seen and it's being treated the like his next great master piece, which is absolutely mindboggeling to me. It was long, tedious, over drawn...frankly, it was just boring!
I have no idea how this was made by the same man who gave us absolute classic mob/crime/character study movies like Goodfellas, Casino, Wolf of Wallstreet, Raging Bull, King of Comedy and Shutter Island yet here it is, being praised like it's anywhere near those movies. The run time was 3 and half hours long, an hour longer then Goodfellas and boy did you feel almost every second of it. I swear if you cut out about an hour out of the movie, not only would it not make a difference to the story, but it would actively make the movie better and easier to sit threw with wanting to fall asleep directly afterwards. The acting was solid for the most but nothing to write home about, the main charactenarrator wasn't interesting and Robert De Niro seemed like he was just phoning in most of his performance except for a few scenes, which I can't even blame him for because the script he was given was chalked full of scene's that didn't matter and it which actively seem to call him to show as little emotion as possible. Same goes with Joe Pesci's characteperformance. Most of the other characters are forgettable, the dialog between the characters was bland as all hell except, again, for a few key scenes, there was almost no emotion shown threw out most of the movie in general (the kid actors were especially bad), the music choice/sound design was nothing special and even the cinematography didn't look good with it having almost no "style". This is absolutely amazing t me because the movie reportedly cost 140 MILLION DOLLARS yet looks like it cost 30 million. Casino only cost about a third of this movie and Goodfellas cost about a fifth, yet they some how managed to look way better, more interesting and with a distinctive style behind them well coming out decades ago! All of this just adds to the over all "boringness" of this thing.
There were a couple of good to great parts in this movie with Jimmy Hoffa, played by Al Pacino, being one of the best, as he stole the entire show whenever he was on screen. But he doesn't even show up until an HOUR in and doesn't have nearly enough scenes and he's who most of the movie is built around! I also really liked what they did with his daughter Peggy. The idea of seeing a mob man grow old just realize he lived his life filled with regret, yet still not be able to tell any one about what he thinks he had to do in fear retaliation from an organization long gone,is also a really cool, but the execution was waaay off. I think Netflix just threw a bunch of money at Martian Scorses, Robert De Niro, Joe Pasci and Al Pacino in hopes of getting another classic mob movie that they could call there own and that people would watch over and over again, just to get a 3 and half hour, geriatric, boring shell of Goodfellas.
My over all rating for the movie is a 4/10 and it's something that I would never willingly sit threw again, unless I wanted some background noise well doing work. If the move was was a half an hour to an hour shorter maybe it would have been a different story but as is, it's just not really that good of a movie and is by faaaaar Martian Scorses worst movie. Again, all of this is just my opinion but I don't I've ever been so disappointed in a movie.
submitted by Kidrellik to unpopularopinion [link] [comments]

TMS[2] #83: The Irishman [2019]

IMDB synopsis: “A mob hitman recalls his possible involvement with the slaying of Jimmy Hoffa.”
I’m a pretty big fan of mob movies, and I’m an even bigger fan of Robert DeNiro and Al Pacino, so I wasn’t going to wait too long to see The Irishman. Having said that, I deliberately kept my expectations reasonable, since the trailer fell a little bit flat, and the enormous runtime (3 hours, 29 minutes) likely foreshadowed a self-indulgent director. So what’s the bottom line?
If you like mob movies, and if you keep your expectations reasonable (like I did), this is a fine film. Pacino is really the glue that makes it watchable; he is fantastic as Jimmy Hoffa and he should definitely get an Oscar nomination. DeNiro (playing the hitman) and Joe Pesci (playing the mob boss) are also very good. In that sense, “The Irishman” is really an actor’s showcase – allowing 3 of the best living actors to shine in their twilight years. The plot itself is good enough – engrossing, albeit predictable and with a shortage of real action. In terms of the runtime, yes, Scorsese could unquestionably have cut at least 30-40 minutes, and probably should have. Having said that, I have to admit, I was never really bored (I looked at my phone just twice, and very, very briefly - a real accomplishment for me!).
A few other notes: I was OK with the “de-aging” special effects; I thought it would be distracting, but I got used to it pretty quick. BillSimmons said it was like “really bad botox,” and I think that’s a good way to look at it. Also, please don’t think this is the definitive story of what happened to Jimmy Hoffa; according to what I’ve read online, the real “Irishman” was almost certainly full of shit. So treat this as fiction, or at least, mostly fiction.
So, overall, I think this is a film that’s somewhere between good and very good, but falls short of greatness. I’m actually not sure what the case for calling this a “great movie” would be. The 3 main actors are playing roles they are way too old for (check out DeNiro’s curbstomp scene; it’s ridiculous), the plot is very dialogue-heavy, and it’s way too long. I don’t even think it’s as good as “Casino,” nevermind “Goodfellas.” Still, I do recommend it. I think most people will like it, but not love it, and that’s good enough for a (tentative) recommendation.
Rating: 6.4 / 10
submitted by TMS2017 to 100movies365days [link] [comments]

The Irishman

For any viewer with doubts, Martin Scorsese's cinematic format still works 30 years later. The 30 is evident from the obvious comparison of "The Irishmas" with his other mafia films, 1990's "Goodfellas" and 1995's "Casino", whose "Irishman" could very well be a sequel, thus forming a informal organized crime film trilogy. As IMDb put it, Scorsese has made his MCU, the Mobster Cinematic Universe.
Here at CineVibesGreece we find it funny that Martin Scorsese had to beg various production companies to finance this film, even collecting many nos, most notably from Paramount Pictures. Finally, and fortunately, it was Netflix who did not hesitate to invest in the highly successful recipe of Scorsese + De Niro + Pesci = great mafia movie.
Let's first say that the movie is not an original script influenced simply by real events. It is a fairly faithful rendition of former Detective Charles Brandt's book "I Heard You Paint Houses".
And at this point let's get a little into the context. As in Q. Tarantino's recent "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood", in which the whole film leads and ends on a specific day of the real, past, world (the murders in Polanski's estate in 1969), here also the underlying fact that is the highlight of the film is the shadowy events of Jimmy Hoffa's disappearance. The latter is one of the most famous faces in the US who have disappeared, and to this day the scenarios give and take about what may have gone down. Although nothing has been officially proven since his disappearance on July 30, 1975, it is widely accepted that he was murdered by the Mafia. The fact that his body is nowhere to be found, and now all hope of finding it has been virtually extinguished, has left the field open to various writers to support their theory but also to various hitmen to claim responsibility.
Frank Sheeran (Robert De Niro), aka the "Irishman", from a young truck driver in the 1950s became involved, at first somewhat reluctantly, but later with all his might, at the actions of the Italian mafia in Pennsylvania. His mentor was the notorious Russell Bufalino (Joe Pesci), for whom and his associates Frank became their johnny on the spot. But because we are talking about mafia business, most of these businesses are about destroying a current or potential opponent. So Sheeran comes into contact with the president of International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Jimmy Hoffa (Al Pacino), a person who holds excessive political and economic power while at the same time being extremely fond of drivers, forging a friendly relationship with him. He becomes a bodyguard and a trusted advisor. So when Hoffa tries to regain his old influence after a period of recession, the gap between him and the Mafia has become so big that Bufalino makes Sheeran "an offer he can't refuse", forcing him to get rid of Hoffa. Recall that Hofa's assassination by Sheeran, as depicted in the film, is based solely on the claims of the author Ch. Brandt, based on a claimed Sheeran confession.
Although we were more impressed by Pesci's performance (who perfectly conveys Buffalino's calm and measured power), the film is wholly owned by De Niro. The values ​​of Frank Sheeran's almost unchanging character are given to us in several clever ways in the film. He is a war veteran with no hesitation for committing war crimes. Seeing him coldly killing war prisoners makes speaks for his lack of emotion in the rest of the film. Sheeran's only remorseful moment is the phone call to Hoffa's wife, telling her not to lose hope in finding her husband, who he himself shot shortly before. Not even the critical look of his daughter, especially close to Hoffa, who seems to know, doesn't affect him. Sheeran manages to survive, because he keeps his friends close, but his enemies and his friends' enemies even closer.
Scorsese, not in directing but in storytelling, could be described as a babbler, and anyone who supports it is probably right. Still, the claims that 45 minutes to 1 hour could have been left in the editing room are certainly grounded. But let's hear the but. Unlike "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood" that ends right after escalating, Scorsese pulls and pulls and pulls the film to the end of Sheeran's life to show us the impact of this life on crime. Impact not so much on the man himself but on those around him. Sheeran seems to set the last goal of his life to build his relationship with his daughter Peggy, who has stopped talking to him. Even so, he does not try to do it for moral reasons, as the film is not moving on this axis, but based on his own peculiar code of redemption, something that is imbued with a strange view on burial instead of cremation. But as mentioned above, the film simply scraps the issues of morality, which Sheeran has lost in his youth, and his relationship with his Irish-Catholic faith.
In the end, with one of the many ways to pay tribute to "Godfather I" and other gangster classics, the film closes with the door leaving Sheeran alone, away from friends, coworkers, family and faith. Is the "Irishman", mainly because of the vast, epic (in Homeric terms) narrative and all-star cast Scorsese's magnum opus or just an overloaded and boring movie filled with cinematic dinosaurs? Or something in between?
submitted by CineVibesGreece to u/CineVibesGreece [link] [comments]

Would The Departed be better or worse if it had the cast as originally envisioned?

The Departed has a pretty incredible cast, but it’s fascinating to consider how many actors were almost part of the movie before they had to leave (At least according to iMDB trivia).
The character Costigan, played by Leonardo DiCaprio, was originally meant to be played by Tom Cruise.
The character Sullivan, played by Matt Damon, was originally meant to be played by Brad Pitt.
The character Costello, played by Jack Nicholson, was originally meant to be played by Al Pacino.
The character Dignam, played by Mark Wahlberg, was originally meant to be played by Ray Liotta.
The character Queenan, played by Michael Sheen, was originally meant to be played by Robert De Niro.
The character Ellerby, played by Alec Baldwin, was originally meant to be played by Mel Gibson.
Again, all of this information comes from iMDB trivia. I can’t remember why Cruise and Pitt dropped out, though Pitt continued as a producer on the movie. Pacino turned down the role of Costello, even though he was Scorsese’s first choice. I believe Liotta had some sort of scheduling conflict, De Niro dropped out to work on The Good Shepherd, and Gibson dropped out to work on Apocalypto.
I truly can’t decide if it would have been better or worse with that cast. I feel like DiCaprio and Damon both did such excellent work, and I certainly don’t know if I can see Cruise as the strung-out, anxiety-ridden Costigan. However, I think Pitt may have been equally as strong as Damon, if not even better. I love Nicholson so much in this role, and I truly don’t believe Pacino, despite his legendary status, could have done as well in the role. Nicholson improvised quite a bit and added a lot to the movie, highlighting his character’s unpredictability and showing some of his truly bizarre habits. The movie would be missing some of it’s best scenes without him, so despite how much I admire Pacino, I have to say I think Nicholson was the right choice. I can’t even imagine Pacino delivering the opening monologue, or being half as creepy and intimidating as Nicholson.
Wahlberg’s performance in the movie is pretty legendary, and he was even nominated for an Oscar, so I don’t know if I feel that Liotta should have replaced him. I think Liotta would have done a great job, though, and I would have loved seeing Scorsese work again with him. I can say for sure that I absolutely would prefer De Niro to Sheen. Sheen is a fine actor, and he does well in this movie, but De Niro and Scorsese is always a recipe for success. If he was in The Departed, it might have made the distance between Casino and The Irishman seem much less prominent. Finally, I’m pretty sure Gibson would have done a better job than Baldwin, but Baldwin was phenomenal.
What do you guys think? I love The Departed, so I was wondering how you all felt. Let me know!
submitted by WhyThisIsLikeThat to movies [link] [comments]

TMS [2] #50: Casino [1995] [And My Full List So Far]

IMDB synopsis: “A tale of greed, deception, money, power, and murder occur between two best friends: a mafia enforcer and a casino executive, compete against each other over a gambling empire, and over a fast living and fast loving socialite.”
I’ve seen pretty much ALL the big-name gangster movies, with the exception of Casino and maybe one or two others. I’m not sure why it’s taken me so long to see Casino, but I’m in good company, because it didn’t do too well at the box office. And even though it was highly-praised by critics, it was almost totally ignored at the Oscars.
Watching this over the weekend, I can confidently say this is a very good (but not great) movie.
What I liked it: Robert DeNiro, Joe Pesci, and Sharon Stone in their primes playing tailor-made roles; great cinematography and set design (Scorsese specialties); and a reasonably coherent and compelling plot.
What I didn’t like: The pacing is off (the first 45 minutes are slow), Stone’s character motivation was weird (it was never explained why she hated her husband so much), and the ending probably needed a little more explanation too (in terms of why some characters did OK, while others…well…didn’t).
What makes Casino shine above everything else is its acting. I’m a big fan of DeNiro and Pesci, and they were superb (especially in the second half). The plot was slightly formulaic, but it was different enough from other gangster films that I felt invested. Ultimately, I can’t call this a great movie because the plot wasn’t quite fresh enough, but it’s definitely a hidden-gem if you like gangster films and R-rated dramas.
Rating: 7.0 / 10
Oh, and since I’m at the halfway mark of The Challenge, I’ve pasted a list of all 50 movies below. The mean rating is 6.2.
(Very Good Movies)
7.4 - Pokemon Detective Pikachu
7.4 - Missing 411: The Hunted [Documentary]
7.3 - Black Hawk Down
7.2 - Bully
7.1 - Hellboy [2019 Version]
7.0 - Casino
6.9 - The Red Pill [Documentary]
6.7 - The Boy in the Plastic Bubble
6.7 - John Wick: Chapter 3: Parabellum
6.7 - Meeting Gorbachev [Documentary]
6.6 - Godzilla: King of the Monsters
6.6 - Bohemian Rhapsody
6.6 - The Pianist
6.6 - March of the Penguins [Documentary]
6.6 - The Belko Experiment
6.5 - Hotel Rwanda
6.5 - Another Day in Paradise
(Good Movies)
6.5 - Pet Semetary [2019 Version]
6.5 - May
6.4 - The Little Bear Movie
6.4 - 47 Meters Down
6.3 - The Green Inferno
6.3 - Brightburn
6.3 - I Am Mother
6.2 - The Blue Lagoon
6.2 - A Time to Kill
6.1 - Dr. Strangelove
6.1 - Freddy vs. Jason
6.0 - The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
6.0 - The Perfection
(OK Movies)
5.9 - Enemy
5.9 - The Void
5.8 - Captive State
5.7 - Dickie Roberts: Former Child Star
5.7 - Avengers: Endgame
5.6 - Escape Room
5.6 - Creep
5.6 - I Saw the Devil
5.5 - Devil
5.3 - Short Term 12
5.0 - A Star is Born [2018 Version]
(Blah Movies)
4.9 - Us
4.9 - Annabelle Comes Home
4.4 - Krampus
4.0 - Dragged Across Concrete
4.0 - House of the Devil
(Bad Movies)
3.9 - Glass
3.9 - Paddleton
3.2 - Wassup Rockers
(Terrible Movies)
2.3 - Get Out
submitted by TMS2017 to 100movies365days [link] [comments]

Game - (Idea for a poll) Write a synopsis of a director's favorite (weird) film in his own style.

The only rule is that it has to be one of the director's favorite films and it has to be a film that would be considered unorthodox for that director to like. With your permission (and name credit), I would also like to add this to a poll I am building. Your synopsis doesn't have to be serious - the idea is for the list to be humorous. .
Here are a couple I have already done.
Director: Terrence Malick
Alternate Title: Man by the Tree
Plot: We open with a 10 minute continuous shot of a man's silhouette leaning against an oak tree, with the sunrise as the backdrop. The gentle wind playfully moves its way through the long, uncut grass. Naturally the unshaven grass represent's Man's limited time on Earth, and the breeze (representing the elements), calm in it's transparent appearance and yet deceitful in its nature, threatens to snip the grass just as nature often chooses to part a man's soul from his body at any given time.
Because of this, we are gifted with a close up of the naive and unsuspecting grass. By this time, half an hour of the movie's run-time has gone by.
Meanwhile, the man by the tree ponders. He thinks. He contemplates on his existence. He dwells on his legacy. What legacy(?), he asks himself. Does a man truly have a legacy? How can a man be sure of his legacy?
That's when it hits him. As the music swells, the sunrise strips the shadow of its power and the man is revealed to be Derek Zoolander. There is only one way to achieve a legacy, he realizes... kill the Prime Minister of Malaysia
Psycho II
Director: Quentin Tarantino
Alternate Title: The Hateful Bates
Plot: Imprisoned in a mental institution for 20 years, Norman Bates has spent his time watching B movie exploitation flicks from the 60's and 70's, which fuel his thirst for revenge. He eventually makes his escape by striking fear in the guards hearts through an Ezekiel speech. On the run from the authorities, Bates tasks himself with tracking down those who wronged him in the first movie. Shot in 70mm, expect bloody showdowns, Ennio Morricone soundtracks, and homages galore.
(Tarantino cameos as Bates' mother in a flashback scene)
The Exorcist II
Director: Martin Scorsese
Alternate Title: Exorcisms of New York
Plot: In New York city, a mob boss (played by Joe Pesci) hires a Vietnam-war-veteran-turned-former-gangster-turned-priest (played by Robert De Niro) to investigate the bizarre spasms and fits that his daughter (played by Margot Robbie) constantly suffers from.
Little does Pesci know that De Niro only accepts the offer to get close to him and settle a score, as Pesci was previously responsible for a number of deaths of people that were close to De Niro, including legendary union figure Jimmy Hoofa, crime boss Frank Costello and Robert's own father.
De Niro hires Jordan Belford (played by Leonardo DiCaprio) to swindle Pesci out of his cash before the priest chooses to kill the mob boss. Meanwhile, he ends up falling for Pesci's daughter, whose fits were revealed to be a side effect of a drug called Quaalude which she bought from a Casino in Las Vegas whilst in a relationship with a violent boxer.
After murdering Pesci with a baseball bat in the middle of a desert, De Niro runs off with his daughter. Together, they become aviators and travel the world as a musical duo naming themselves 'New York, New York'.
Unfortunately however, in a twist ending, it is revealed that the entire film is a role play set up by a mental asylum doctor (played by Harvey Keitel) and Margot Robbie is in fact a patient on Shutter Island. She eventually turns to her faith for comfort, and spends the rest of her life in silence.
Men in Black III
Director: Paul Thomas Anderson
Alternate Title: There will be Men in Black
Plot: Despite being partners for some considerable time, Tommy Lee Jones has become even more grouchy and unkind to Will Smith in his old age, being consumed by greed and hate for aliens and humans alike. Despite his desperate for Jones' affection, Smith's attempts hit a brick wall as Tommy's younger brother (played by Josh Brolin) arrives.
However, has Smith just stumbled on evidence that Brolin may not be who he says he is? All we know is, there will be men in black...
Here is the original list:
submitted by The_Social_Introvert to IMDbFilmGeneral [link] [comments]

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submitted by monimithu295 to sova1 [link] [comments]

elasticjaw: #27 Mean Streets (1973)

February 1, 2014
March 29, 2014
Mean Streets
‘Mean Streets’ laid the groundwork for Martin Scorsese’s style that was perfected in his films that followed, not to mention it was his first of his many gangster flicks. Scorsese is by far my favourite director, his films, ‘Mean Streets’ included, are all highly stylized, they utilise music in their score (he’s particularly fond of The Rolling Stones), are very energetic in their pacing and tell rich stories with dynamic and interesting characters, a lot of his films explore the themes of women, violence and murder. If you’re yet to see a Scorsese film or aren't familiar with his films, he’s been responsible for ‘Goodfellas’, ‘Casino’, ‘Taxi Driver’, ‘The Departed’, the recent controversial ‘The Wolf of Wall Street’ and many more great titles, I've seen over 10 of his films and have loved every single one of them and am still barely a third of the way through his filmography.
Robert De Niro stars in ‘Mean Streets’ as an irresponsible young hoodlum gangster, Johnny boy, alongside Harvey Keitel as the level headed Charlie, who takes it on himself to watch over Johnny Boy. The film’s depiction of urban life is startling and frighteningly realistic. The film is a must watch for anyone that enjoys a good crime drama or if you’d like to see the beginnings of the the style that Martin Scorsese would adapt and tweak to perfection over the following decades.
Director: Martin Scorsese
Stars: Robert De Niro, Harvey Keitel, David Proval
submitted by elasticjaw to 100movies365days [link] [comments]

casino robert de niro imdb video

Casino - Robert De Niro vs Joe Pesci - YouTube Joe Pesci and Roberto De Niro greatest Scene Ever - YouTube Casino (1995) - Robert De Niro and Blueberry Muffins - YouTube Casino (1995) - Un demonio de apostador  Audio Latino ... Robert De Niro Scenes  IMDb SUPERCUT - YouTube Casinò - Qui non si scherza... - Robert De Niro - YouTube CASINO Blueberry Muffin Scene - YouTube Robert De Niro :: El Timo del Casino - YouTube Robert De Niro's Wardrobe in Casino (1995) - YouTube

Casino (1995) Robert De Niro as Sam 'Ace' Rothstein. [Last lines] Ace Rothstein : [narrating] The town will never be the same. After the Tangiers, the big corporations took it all over. Ich kenne so ziemlich jeden Film in der IMDB Top 250 Liste und noch viele mehr aber dieser und Good Fellas war der Oberhammer. Robert de Niro und Joe Pesci sind unglaublich,ich habe zwar heute auch noch manche Lieblings Filme aber sowas wie damals kommt heute nicht mehr. Und die Musik erst,ein Wahnsinn Lesen Sie weiter. 7 Personen fanden diese Informationen hilfreich. Nützlich. Kommentar ... Ünlü aktör Robert De Niro’nun rol aldığı filmleri inceledik. Onlarca film arasından seçip IMDb sıralamasına göre listelediğimiz en iyi 25 Robert De Niro filmini bu içeriğimizde sizlere sunuyoruz. Casino Sam 'Ace' Rothstein (1995) ... Robert Redford beats Martin Scorsese, plus wins by Sissy Spacek, Robert De Niro. See all news. Contribute to this page. Edit page. Getting Started Contributor Zone » User Polls. Most Influential Decade Defining Actor. Highest grossing movie-stars - where it all began. Who Knew! Surprising Irish American Celebrities . IMDb Top 250 Actors (2019) Friday ... Casino ist ein Drama aus dem Jahr 1995 von Martin Scorsese mit Robert De Niro, Sharon Stone und Joe Pesci. Martin Scorseses Mafiadrama Casino zeigt die Mafia im schillernden Las Vegas der frühen Siebziger, welches hinter dem Vorhang der guten Laune von Geld, Drogen und Gewalt dominiert wurde. Directed by Martin Scorsese. With Robert De Niro, Sharon Stone, Joe Pesci, James Woods. A tale of greed, deception, money, power, and murder occur between two best friends: a mafia enforcer and a casino executive compete against each other over a gambling empire, and over a fast-living and fast-loving socialite. Regia: Todd Phillips Cu: Robert De Niro, Joaquin Phoenix, Marc Maron, Zazie Beetz Gen film: Crimă, Dramă, Thriller Distribuitor: Vertical Entertainment Studiul unui personaj disprețuit de societate care devine nu doar un sumbru caz social, ci și o poveste moralizatoare. Robert de Niro apare în ... Robert de Niro als Mafioso-Pate, der ein Spielcasino in den goldenen 1960er/1970er-Jahren leitet: Allein schon deshalb lohnt ich dieser Film, denn es ist eine Paraderolle. Und die geschilderten Ereignisse orientieren sich an wahren Begebenheiten, was einen Blick hinter die Kulissen des damaligen Las Vegas ermöglicht. Allerdings ist die Geschichte zum Teil etwas verworren und langatmig und es ...

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Casino - Robert De Niro vs Joe Pesci - YouTube

In this scene, the head of the Casino, played by Robert De Niro, gets distracted during a business meeting with one of his associates by noticing that their ... Sam Rothstein wants more blueberries in his muffin. The costume budget for Casino was a whopping $1 million, as Robert De Niro wore 70 different costumes but he was allowed to keep his costumes afterwards. Thi... Travis Bickle, Jake La Motta, Vito Corleone, Pat Solitano Sr. Robert De Niro has played so many incredible characters, it's hard to choose a favorite. What's... impresionante duelo dialéctico entre de niro y pesci, en uno de los mejores momentos de la genial peli de Martin Scorsese "Casino". CREDITS: MCA Company. Universal Pictures and Syalis D.A & Legende Entreprises. NAN Films LLCDirected by: Martin ScorseseStarring: Robert De Niro, Sharon Ston... In early-1970s Las Vegas, low-level mobster Sam "Ace" Rothstein (Robert De Niro) gets tapped by his bosses to head the Tangiers Casino. At first, he's a grea... Casinò Di Martin ScorzeseConRobert DeNiro Joe Pesci Robert De Niro presenta el timo del casino. Pelicula Casino Comedy gold from movie Casino(1995)

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